The ReMastered Experience in Rotterdam is an digital art exhibition showcasing the works of renowned Dutch Masters like Jeroen Bosch and Vincent van Gogh. It offers visitors an immersive experience ‘inside’ the paintings using digital art displays and interactive features.
The exhibition is held in a spacious location beneath the Erasmus bridge, featuring 60 projectors and 50 speakers with a 10.1 surround sound setup, creating an enchanting audio experience of the old master’s works. We were asked to create all the audio assets, scores and all the mixes and masters for different surround formats.
Every work of art used in this exhibition has its own soundtrack and its own sound design. We started working off the visuals provided by Woodwork, taking notice of movement in the visuals and alo use of color and imagery. We wanted to let the characteristic elements in the paintings fuse with contemporary music and use this clash as a starting point for our audio.
We also incorporated many sonic details in the tracks, from sounds and tones highlighting painted details, to the voice acting of the characters in the artwork. In order to try these out efficiently, we developed our own multi-speaker surround panning tool for Ableton. This allowed us to mix the audio on 10 speakers simultaneously, ensuring that each detail found its perfect position in the mix.
All in all, most of the sound was crafted by us. However, we also supervised the use of tracks by popular artists. This involved keeping in touch with them and taking care of the copyright, publishing and master. It was a great project that enabled us to use our creativity on multiple levels!
If you want to experience this yourself, here's a link to their website:
Title of Entry: @remastered_experience
Brand: Digital Art Center
Client: Digital Art Center
Entrant Company: @woodworkamsterdam
Music & Sound Design: @THNDR
Sound Design
Mix & Master (10.1 Surround Sound)